Theme: Work

The work life balance and employee wellbeing

The work life balance and employee wellbeing

So, how do you balance the work life balance and employee wellbeing? According to a recent newspaper feature Martin Bjergegaard, a highly successful businessman, says that in order to succeed and be happy it’s no longer necessary to work extra long hours that don’t allow family time.

Which then begs the question can we really ‘have it all’?

That may well depend on your definition of what ‘it all’ means. Because what’s important to one individual will not hold true for others. We each need to make choices about what we want in our world so we can better manage all its parts according to our individual priorities, aspirations and values.

That term, ‘work-life balance’ has been around since 1986. Like many buzzwords it was first used in the United States in relation to the perceived proliferation of Americans who were working longer and longer hours, usually to the detriment of their family life.

Since …

Posted by Admin
Ain’t got time to be ill

Ain’t got time to be ill

We’re seeing an increasing emphasis placed by forward thinking companies on wellness and health protection for their …

Posted by Admin
Gently does it

Gently does it

Every year in the UK 200 million days are lost through sickness absence – an average of 8.5 days lost per annum – at an estim…

Posted by Admin
Think outside the box

Think outside the box

Ask not what they can do for you, but what you can do for them.

What we’re suggesting moves your company beyond the require…

Posted by Admin
You are not alone

You are not alone

You’re not alone in wanting to feel, better, healthier, happier at work.

As the modern workplace becomes increasingly …

Posted by Admin